Thursday 20 October 2011

Job Done

I am not sure I really set out on the marathon training in the best frame of mind. London was frankly painful, and a bit of a disaster of a race (16 minutes slower than the last one). I must have looked miserable then, because Lisa turned to me I suggested that I had better run Amsterdam in that case - I had been trying to resist until then!

The build up to London had been pretty good, and I was comfortable with what more I needed to get from my training for Amsterdam - more endurance, speed less of an issue.

During June I created a spreadsheet, filled in a few slots of what I thought I should be doing, and never quite finished it. By late July it was getting a bit late to worry about a training plan, so I gave up on that idea, and went for run lots, largely on feel. This meant that speedwork largely fell by the board, but I was not so concerned about that - a 5k PB in mid July, and then a 5 mile race in mid September convinced me I was not missing much.
More to come!

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