Tuesday 27 December 2011

I forgot to Foose my legs...

Today was the Buntingford 10 mile race - perfect conditions for a race, but neither my head nor body were quite there.

Body is simply explained - too much to eat and drink in the last few weeks , plus trying to ratchet up the miles to 1,500 - not quite going to make it.

Head is more interesting - did not quite decide what I could achieve, and had not hammered the mantra into my head - I was busy moaning, and not telling myself to f*ck my legs. Worked in 'dam, just need to remember to do it in all the races!

Still, 3 minute pb, and only 30s off a negative split - not all bad!

Thursday 20 October 2011

Job Done

I am not sure I really set out on the marathon training in the best frame of mind. London was frankly painful, and a bit of a disaster of a race (16 minutes slower than the last one). I must have looked miserable then, because Lisa turned to me I suggested that I had better run Amsterdam in that case - I had been trying to resist until then!

The build up to London had been pretty good, and I was comfortable with what more I needed to get from my training for Amsterdam - more endurance, speed less of an issue.

During June I created a spreadsheet, filled in a few slots of what I thought I should be doing, and never quite finished it. By late July it was getting a bit late to worry about a training plan, so I gave up on that idea, and went for run lots, largely on feel. This meant that speedwork largely fell by the board, but I was not so concerned about that - a 5k PB in mid July, and then a 5 mile race in mid September convinced me I was not missing much.
More to come!

Thursday 13 October 2011

From Canal to Canals

Today felt like a bit of a farewell to a well known and well worn running route - truth of the matter and the irony is I will be back within a fortnight, possibly 3 weeks given a week off at the end of the month.

At least once a week, if not 2 or 3 times I run lunchtimes from the office. Once past the Tower and St Katherine Docks, I pick up the canal from Wapping High Street over to Shadwell Basin. From there, I drop onto the river path, and head over towards Canary Wharf - how far depends on time and energy. The beauty of this route is that you are off the tourist trail as soon as you are past the Tower, and it is only runners from there.

Today was a short and light run - up to and round Shadwell Basin. Nice day to be out, but the final run before I fly out to Amsterdam tomorrow night, which I think is why it felt like a farewell. It also struck that I will be running past a lot more canals on Sunday morning.

Bring. It. On!

Monday 3 October 2011

So why did I walk out?

It was clearly a grumpy start to the week - or a great example of poor customer service.

Coming into the office, stopping to get some toast on the way. Costs £1.10, but I only have a £20 note.

Offer £20 note
grumpy face
Sorry, that's all I've got
large sigh
resigned look
'Have you not got 10p?'
No, that's all I've got
another large sigh
Tell you what, give me the £20 back and I'll go and get my breakfast elsewhere

So I did. For all I know, there are still 2 slices of bloomer bread now in flames in the toaster.

I know it is frustrating to lose all your change in one go (been there) but let's face it, I buy breakfast and lunch around here daily. It won't be from there again.

I have been buying breakfast from there 2-3 days a week, on and off, for a number of months. How about 'can you bring in the 10p later?'

I had cause to discuss 'Moments of Truth' with my team last week - I think I have found another example